首页»美剧 » 霍利·霍比 » 第1集
类型:欧美 地区:加拿大 年份:2019 
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Thirteen year-old Holly Hobbie lives with her family in Collinsville, a picture perfect North American small town with main-street values. Each episode follows Holly trying to make the world a better place, while tackling the everyday challenges of growing up – from bullies to breakouts, crushes to curfews. Holly’s principle mission in Season 1 is saving the struggling Calico Café which is run by her grandmother, as her relationship with Amy (best friend since the age of two) is tested by the arrival of new girl in town, Piper. Holly is a budding singer/songwriter, and catchy original music performed by Holly (Ruby Jay, 485k IG followers) connects which each episode’s plot during live performances at Holly’s open-mic events at the Café.
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    泰勒·霍奇林,比茜·图诺克,乔丹·阿尔萨斯,亚历山大·加芬,艾瑞克·瓦德兹,Inde Navarrette,沃尔·帕克斯,迪伦·沃尔什,埃曼纽尔·施莱琪,索菲亚·哈斯米克,亚当·雷纳,Daisy Tormé,Joselyn Picard,泰勒·巴克,Zane Clifford,斯黛西 法波,莱亚·吉斯特德,埃里克·李塞德,奥斯汀·奥比晶瓦,沃恩·李,伊恩·鲍汉,凯尔西·马韦马,玛瑞安娜·克拉瓦诺,托比·哈格雷夫,斯蒂芬·阿德科鲁,珍娜·迪万,安古斯·麦克菲登,A·C·彼得森,凯拉·海勒,Michele S

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